Lively discussion is welcome here, but if you think your comment might offend someone please read the following guidelines before posting.
Please bear in mind this is a personal blog and not an online discussion forum. I reserve the right to have the final say, or remove any comments I find offensive.
Be kind to others…
- Please be respectful to others who read this blog.
- Don’t post hate messages or be abusive. Avoid racism, sexism, homophobia and personal attacks.
- If you’re here for the Everest bashing then you’re in the wrong place.
- Since I’ve gone to the trouble of writing the whole post without stopping halfway, please take the trouble to read all of it before posting a comment.
- Similarly, if your comment contains multiple sentences then please make the effort to use punctuation.
Try to be helpful…
- Stay on topic. If your comment relates to a different blog post, then please comment on that post instead. If you go off topic then your post may be removed or edited.
- Providing a specific link to an article that you’ve read is helpful.
- Asking us to google for something that you’re sure you’ve read somewhere is unhelpful.
- Please post in English. Linking to a site in another language is fine, but it’s helpful if you can link to a Google-translated version – there’s a handy translation tool here.
- Links and videos posted without any supporting explanation will be deleted.
Avoid bullshit…
- Try and keep comments concise and avoid rambling.
- Don’t try to validate known conspiracy theories.
Know when it’s not OK to promote…
- This isn’t TripAdvisor, so please don’t use the comments to promote or review products and services if I haven’t mentioned them in the text.
- If you promote your own stuff then it may be seen as spam.
- The exception to this is books. Please feel free to recommend books, unless it’s your own or your client’s book (see above).
Keep it legal…
- Don’t break the law.
- Don’t post personal information such as addresses, phone numbers or e-mail addresses.
Keep things in proportion…
- Having a sense of humour helps, provided your jokes are in good taste.
- A bit of swearing is fine if used for comedy value, but try not to be excessive.