What does Mount Everest look like from space?

What does Mount Everest look like from space?

If you follow the Everest Today (@EverestToday) account on Twitter, you may be used to seeing the occasional photo of mountains taken from the International Space Station. Mountains look very different from above, and views from the International Space Station are not always recognisable. But this one of Everest is so distinctive that I had to annotate it and share it with you.

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My very first audiobook — Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest, narrated by Philip Battley

My very first audiobook — Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest, narrated by Philip Battley

Exciting news! I’m delighted to say that my book Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest is now available as an audiobook. I’ve been enormously privileged to work with a highly experienced, professional stage and screen actor as my narrator, and I would like to introduce you to him in this post.

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Can you really see Mount Everest from Kathmandu?

Can you really see Mount Everest from Kathmandu?

One of the side effects of coronavirus lockdown that many people have been talking about is the clarity of the air. Less traffic means less pollution. Nowhere illustrates this better than Nepal’s capital Kathmandu. Last week the Nepali Times posted a photo that purported to show a view of Everest from the city. Could it be true?

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An audio excerpt from my book Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest

An audio excerpt from my book Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest

Well folks, I have something rather special this week to help stimulate the senses while you are in coronavirus lockdown. Fellow mountain writer John D Burns has featured an audio excerpt from Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest on his weekly podcast, and it’s great — a dramatic reading of the crux section where I tackle the infamous Second Step.

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What was the highest mountain in the world before Everest was discovered?

What was the highest mountain in the world before Everest was discovered?

Yes, I know that a number of pedants will read the title of this blog post and mutter under their breaths with a shrug of indignation: ‘What was the highest mountain in the world before Everest was discovered? Why, Everest

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