My latest audiobook: listen to the sounds of a man spending two months in a tent on a glacier

My latest audiobook: listen to the sounds of a man spending two months in a tent on a glacier

I’m delighted to say that Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers, the thrilling diary of my very first 8,000m peak expedition to the Gasherbrums in Pakistan, is now available as an audiobook. It’s the fifth one that I’ve narrated and produced myself and I’m happy to say that they just get better and better.

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An introduction to ExplorersWeb, the adventurers’ website on a new journey

An introduction to ExplorersWeb, the adventurers’ website on a new journey

ExplorersWeb has been one of the leading sources of news about adventurous expeditions for many years now. But as they say in the pub trade, it’s now under new management. This means that some important changes are taking place. There is a new team of editors and a new design, but this is just the start.

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Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers is now available as a paperback

Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers is now available as a paperback

A quick book update. I’m in the process of publishing revised editions of the Footsteps on the Mountain Travel Diaries, and making them available as paperbacks for the first time ever. Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers is now available in paperback form.

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What Ueli Steck meant to ordinary people like me

What Ueli Steck meant to ordinary people like me

The word inspirational has been used a lot in tributes to Ueli Steck, who died last weekend. Ueli did things which no ordinary person could do, but there was something about him that appealed to people both inside and outside the climbing community. Here’s what he meant to me.

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Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers has been fully revised in digital format

Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers has been fully revised in digital format

A quick book update. I’m in the process of publishing revised editions of the Footsteps on the Mountain Travel Diaries. The revised digital version of Thieves, Liars and Mountaineers is available now at a bargain price from the main online bookstores.

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To climb or not to climb? Those last 50 metres

To climb or not to climb? Those last 50 metres

When you’ve put so much time, money and physical commitment into a climb, it’s never easy to turn around just fifty metres from the top. Here are some stories from Aconcagua which help to shed light on when that decision should be made.

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Everest 2014-15: A personal tale of two tragedies

Everest 2014-15: A personal tale of two tragedies

Last year I was on my way into the Khumbu Icefall on Everest, and watched in horror as a huge avalanche took the lives of sixteen Sherpas. This year I watched from a distance as an earthquake put that event into perspective. Here is my personal account of witnessing both tragedies.

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Creative peak bagging is the way forward

Creative peak bagging is the way forward

Last year was an unusual one for me. There were few real plans, and my travels ended up evolving out of necessity and opportunity, but I kind of liked it that way and I believe a combination of loose planning and going with the flow is the way forward in travel.

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