Plynlimon: traversing the five tops of the fruitiest mountain in Wales

Plynlimon: traversing the five tops of the fruitiest mountain in Wales

Plynlimon, is a complex mountain of multiple rolling summits connected by broad ridges. It is the source of Britain’s longest river, the Severn, and its fourth longest, the River Wye. I have been meaning to climb it for many years, and over Easter I had my chance.

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Review: The Farthest Shore by Alex Roddie – hiking the Cape Wrath Trail

Review: The Farthest Shore by Alex Roddie – hiking the Cape Wrath Trail

Back in September my editor Alex Roddie was launching his own book The Farthest Shore, about his winter hike of the Cape Wrath Trail in north-west Scotland, at the Highland Bookshop in Fort William. I attended the launch and then read the book.

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