The Doctor and the Apprentice: the Jeeves and Wooster of mountaineering literature

The Doctor and the Apprentice: the Jeeves and Wooster of mountaineering literature

A few years ago on this blog, I posed the question Where are the humorous mountaineering books?. Towards the end of last year, I discovered a hidden gem of witty mountaineering literature quite by chance: a collection of whimsical short stories that I believe would have had P.G. Wodehouse chuckling appreciatively.

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Why don’t we see yetis anymore? I may have found the answer

Why don’t we see yetis anymore? I may have found the answer

Himalayan travel writing is peppered with stories of yeti sightings or yeti footprints. But if yetis still exist why hasn’t someone filmed one by now? I may have stumbled upon the answer in a long-forgotten work of Himalayan travel writing.

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Where are the humorous mountaineering books?

Where are the humorous mountaineering books?

Mountain literature isn’t devoid of humour, but generally speaking, comedy takes second place to heroics in mountain writing. But I know there must be some laugh-out-loud funny, two or three jokes a page mountaineering books out there. If you know of any, then I’d like to hear about them.

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The Ascent of Rum Doodle vs. The Ascent of Nanda Devi — how similar are they?

The Ascent of Rum Doodle vs. The Ascent of Nanda Devi — how similar are they?

Two of the best mountaineering books ever written were designed to be read side by side, but I wonder if anyone has. I set myself the challenge of reading alternate chapters of The Ascent of Nanda Devi by H.W. Tilman and The Ascent of Rum Doodle by W.E. Bowman.

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