Just a quickie to let you know that I’ve just released my latest travel diary The Everest Politics Show in paperback format, for those of you who like to read something that you can grasp firmly in your hands.
It’s available on Amazon initially, for £5.99 / €6.99 / $7.99 and various other currencies depending on your location. I hope to make it available in other outlets via Ingram by the end of the month. This means that many local bookstores will be able to order it for you.

This is the second one of my travel diaries that I’ve made available as a paperback, after releasing The Chomolungma Diaries in June last year. I had a nice surge in sales for the paperback of Seven Steps from Snowdon to Everest in December, and this success means that I plan to release more of my travel diaries as paperbacks this year. A big thank you to all of you who have been buying them. Hopefully they made great Christmas presents.
Buy The Everest Politics Show >>
The book covers the controversial 2014 Everest season, when a tragic avalanche led to a labour dispute which threatened to close down Everest for the year. For a week our friends the Sherpas, the tigers of Himalayan mountaineering, were headline news for all the wrong reasons.
I was at Everest Base Camp that year planning to climb Everest’s sister peak, Lhotse, the fourth highest mountain in the world, and witnessed many of the events that were reported in the media. Not everything was reported accurately, and I hope this account from the perspective of a commercial client helps to put the record straight and provide some clarity.
And if you prefer digital then The Everest Politics Show is also available as an ebook at a third of the price. In either format, I hope you enjoy it, and thank you for reading my blog.